Date Parameters In Microsoft Query Wizard

Date parameters in microsoft query wizard excel

  • Add a Query Parameter to Create a Report Parameter. When you add a query parameter to a query, Report Builder automatically creates a single-valued report parameter with default properties for name, prompt, and data type. To add a query parameter. Click Design to switch back to Design view. In the Report Data pane, expand the Datasets folder.
  • A way around this is to create a generic Microsoft Query, then add parameters, then paste your parametorized query in the connection's properties. Here are the detailed steps for Excel 2010: Open Excel; Goto Data tab; From the From Other Sources button choose From Microsoft Query; The 'Choose Data Source' window will appear.

To do this, select Parameters under the Query menu. When the Query Parameters window appears, enter the two parameters Start Date and End Date, and select Date/Time as the data type. Click on the OK button. Now, when you run the query, you will be prompted to enter the 'start' date. Then prompted to enter the 'end' date. Your query will then only return the records where the OrderDate is between these two values.

I'm attempting to run an Excel extraction from an ODBC accounting system using date parameters. If I'm running the query through most SQL tools, the query that work is 'Select invoiceNumber, CustomerID, InvoiceAmount from Invoice where InvoiceDate > '2013-01-01'
However when I try to parameterize in is Microsoft Query I get invalid parameter errors for all of the date formats that I try. I've tried the usual SQL format above (with & w/out apostrophes) with & without dashes, I've tried putting # signs before various permutations of the dates. My goal is to get this into a cell so that a not particularly sophisticated user can operate it, but I don't know how to give MS Query a date parameter that it'll accept.

Applies to: Access 2013, Office 2013

Date Parameters In Microsoft Query Wizard Download

Date parameters in microsoft query wizard excel

Declares the name and data type of each parameter in a parameter query.


PARAMETERS name datatype [, name datatype [, …]]

The PARAMETERS declaration has these parts:




The name of the parameter. Assigned to the Name property of the Parameter object and used to identify this parameter in the Parameters collection. You can use name as a string that is displayed in a dialog box while your application runs the query. Use brackets ([ ]) to enclose text that contains spaces or punctuation. For example, [Low price] and [Begin report with which month?] are valid name arguments.


One of the primary Microsoft Access SQL data types or their synonyms.


For queries that you run regularly, you can use a PARAMETERS declaration to create a parameter query. A parameter query can help automate the process of changing query criteria. With a parameter query, your code will need to provide the parameters each time the query is run.

The PARAMETERS declaration is optional but when included precedes any other statement, including SELECT.

If the declaration includes more than one parameter, separate them with commas. The following example includes two parameters:

Date Parameters In Microsoft Query WizardQuery

You can use name but not datatype in a WHERE or HAVING clause. The following example expects two parameters to be provided and then applies the criteria to records in the Orders table:


Date Parameters In Microsoft Query Wizard Word

This example requires the user to provide a job title and then uses that job title as the criteria for the query.

Date Parameters In Microsoft Query Wizard Key


Query Wizard In Microsoft Access

It calls the EnumFields procedure, which you can find in the SELECT statement example.