Word Table Cell Vertical Alignment

Tables are a powerful formatting tool used in many Word documents. Often it is necessary to center information within the cells of a table. There are two ways to center information: horizontally and vertically.

Select the cells, columns, or rows, with text that you want to align (or select your entire table). Go to the (Table Tools) Layout tab. Click an Align button (you may have to click the Alignment button first, depending on the size of your screen). Aligning text in your Word 2007 table. Text within a cell can be aligned just like a paragraph: left, center, or right. The text can also be aligned vertically: top, middle, or bottom. Combine these alignment options and you have an explanation for the nine buttons in the Alignment group of the Tool Tables Layout tab. Aug 05, 2020 Tables are a powerful formatting tool used in many Word documents. Often it is necessary to center information within the cells of a table. There are two ways to center information: horizontally and vertically. Horizontal centering is quite simple.

Horizontal centering is quite simple. All you need to do is position the insertion point somewhere within the text and then click on the Center button on the Home tab of the ribbon or press Ctrl+E. Centering text vertically is almost as easy:

  1. Position the insertion point within the cell you want to vertically center.
  2. Display the Layout tab of the ribbon. (This tab is visible only after doing step 1.)
  3. In the Alignment group, click one of the three vertical centering tools. (See Figure 1.)
  4. Figure 1. The vertical centering tools.

You should note that vertical centering will not give the desired results if you have the paragraph formatting for the text set to anything except single spacing, with no space before or after the paragraph. This extra spacing before or after affects the centering in the same way that paragraph indents affect horizontal spacing.


A simple HTML table, with two rows and four table cells:

<td>Cell A</td>
<td>Cell B</td>
<td>Cell C</td>
<td>Cell D</td>
CellTry it Yourself »

More 'Try it Yourself' examples below.

Definition and Usage

The <td> tag defines a standard data cell in an HTML table.

An HTML table has two kinds of cells:

  • Header cells - contains header information (created with the <th> element)
  • Data cells - contains data (created with the <td> element)

The text in <td> elements are regular and left-aligned by default.

The text in <th> elements are bold and centered by default.

Browser Support



colspannumberSpecifies the number of columns a cell should span
headersheader_idSpecifies one or more header cells a cell is related to
rowspannumberSets the number of rows a cell should span

Global Attributes

Html table vertical align middle

Word Table Cell Vertical Alignment Not Working

The <td> tag also supports the Global Attributes in HTML.

Event Attributes

The <td> tag also supports the Event Attributes in HTML.

More Examples


How to align content inside <td> (with CSS):

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How to add background-color to table cell (with CSS):

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How to set the height of a table cell (with CSS):

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How to specify no word-wrapping in table cell (with CSS):

<td>Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything</td>
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How to vertical align content inside <td> (with CSS):

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Html Table Vertical Align Middle

How to set the width of a table cell (with CSS):

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How to create table headers:

<td>John Doe</td>

Word Table Cell Vertical Alignment Machine

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How to create a table with a caption:

<caption>Monthly savings</caption>
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How to define table cells that span more than one row or one column:

<th colspan='2'>Phone</th>
<td>John Doe</td>
Word Table Cell Vertical Alignment

Word Table Cell Vertical Alignment Chart

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Related Pages

HTML tutorial: HTML Tables

HTML DOM reference: TableData Object

CSS Tutorial: Styling Tables

Default CSS Settings

Vb Net Word Table Cell Vertical Alignment

Most browsers will display the <td> element with the following default values:

td {
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: inherit;