Mount And Blade Emissary

The current version is 3.0 - as of the 6th of January 2015. 3.1 patch has yet to be released on Steam, you have to install it manually. Words from creator:'I STOPPED WORK ON THIS MOD A LONG TIME AGO'. And all sending an emissary does is gain you some Right to Rule. A subreddit and community for the Mount & Blade series, created by TaleWorlds Entertainment. Companions of Floris Overview Nadia is a Sarranid woman from the village of Sekhtem. She escaped the village when her father and brother wanted to force her to marry the mad village elder who was known to hang every women he married. This including Nadia's own elder sisters. When her brother and father came to take her to the village elder, she knocked down an oil lamp causing the house to.

Mount And Blade Emissary
Feb 7, 2020

A brief guide on classes, roles, companions and groups.

Guide to Companion Builds


This took me awhile but I felt this was necessary to do. This was made for myself, but thought it would be helpful and cool for others to see. In advance, I will say that this is suited to my play style, thus my opinion on what I think fits best with whatever. You can always change what each characters classes and roles are. Whether you change from what I've recommended (as I do have multiple options for some companions) or you change them entirely. That is fine, suit your play style. Anyway, on with the guide.
In this guide, you will see:
  • Classes and what weapons the classes will use.
  • Roles and the aligned skills with those roles.
  • Companions with their class and role.
  • Companion group builds.

Classes / Weapons

Mount And Blade Emissary
  • Archer / Bow and Arrow or Throwing Weapons, Shield, One Handed Weapons.
  • Cavalry / Lance, Shield, One and Two Handed Weapons.
  • Infantry / One and Two Handed Weapons, Shield and Pole-arm.
  • Horse Archer / Bow and Arrow and Two Handed Weapon or One Handed Weapon with Shield.

Roles / Skills

  • Engineer / Engineer and Looting
  • Tracker / Tracking, Path-finding and Spotting
  • Trainer / Trainer, Looting and Tactics
  • Doctor / Would Treatment, Surgery and First Aid
  • Trader / Prisoner Management and Trade

Companions - Class / Role

  • Alayen - Cavalry / Anything
  • Artimenner - Infantry / Engineer
  • Baheshtur - Horse Archer / Anything
  • Borcha - Infantry / Tracker
  • Bunduk - Cavalry / Trainer - Doctor
  • Deshavi - Archer / Tracker
  • Firentis - Infantry / Anything
  • Jeremus - Anything / Doctor
  • Katrin - Anything / Doctor
  • Klethi - Archer / Tracker
  • Lezalit - Infantry or Cavalry / Trainer
  • Marnid - Anything / Trader
  • Matheld - Infantry / Anything
  • Nizar - Cavalry / Anything
  • Rolf - Archer / Anything - Doctor
  • Ymira - Horse Archer or Cavalry / Doctor - Trader

Companion Groups

Mount and blade warband emissary10 Safe Companion Group
  • Alayen - Cavalry / Trader
  • Artimenner - Infantry / Engineer
  • Baheshtur - Horse Archer / Trainer
  • Borcha - Infantry / Tracker
  • Bunduk - Cavalry / Trainer
  • Katrin - Archer / Doctor
  • Matheld - Infantry / Engineer
  • Nizar - Cavalry / Tracker
  • Rolf - Archer / Doctor
  • Ymira - Horse Archer / Trader

Infantry Companion Build
  • Alayen - Cavalry / Doctor
  • Artimenner - Infantry / Engineer
  • Baheshtur - Horse Archer / Tracker
  • Borcha - Infantry / Tracker
  • Firentis - Infantry / Trader
  • Matheld - Infantry / Tracker
  • Lezalit - Infantry / Trainer
  • Rolf - Archer / Doctor

Cavalry Companion Build
  • Artimenner - Infantry / Engineer
  • Borcha - Infantry / Tracker
  • Katrin - Cavalry / Doctor
  • Lezalit - Cavalry / Trainer
  • Marnid - Cavalry / Trading
  • Matheld - Infantry / Tracker
  • Nizar - Cavalry / Tracker
  • Rolf - Archer / Doctor
Archer Companion Build
  • Alayen - Cavalry / Doctor
  • Baheshtur - Horse Archer / Tracker
  • Bunduk - Cavalry / Trainer
  • Deshavi - Archer / Tracker
  • Firentis - Infantry / Engineer
  • Jeremus - Archer / Doctor
  • Klethi - Archer / Tracker
  • Ymira - Horse Archer / Trader

Horse Archer Companion Build
  • Bunduk - Cavalry / Trainer
  • Deshavi - Archer / Tracker
  • Katrin - Horse Archer / Doctor
  • Klethi - Archer / Tracker
  • Jeremus - Horse Archer / Doctor
  • Marnid - Horse Archer / Trader
  • Nizar - Cavalry / Engineer
  • Ymira - Horse Archer / Trader

Other Remarks

All previously listed are what I think fits best from what I have gathered from looking through each companion's character sheet. You can always change what class or role a companion has that fit your play style.
As for group builds, again, they are very interchangable. I encourage experimentation on what group builds are the best. These builds are just something that I think are best.
Recommended for You:
  • All Mount and Blade Warband Guides!

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Content of the article: 'Guide to Forming an Alliance with other Kingdoms'

I was a console player, I was playing Mount and Blade on the PS4 before switching to pc. The mods is what make the game enjoyable imo. I haven't really seen any proper guides on how to form an alliance so I wanted to make one.

First of all, you need to raise your 'right to rule'. Secondly, have a good relationship with the King/Liege, 50 is good and at least 20 relations with his people. Lastly, you need to be in peace with that faction. In order to dispatch an emissary, you must replace your minister with a companion or your partner. Remember, the character you want to send to negotiate, should have a high persuasion, and ideally a noble companion.

Now do this following 3 steps,

  1. Express goodwill to another monarch

– when the king responds, that he acknowledge you as 'King' or 'Lady of Lesbere' (any town you own). It means they recognize you as an Independent Kingdom.

– however, if your companion say something like 'omitting any title', that means you need to increase your right to rule.

  1. Ask for defensive pact (it will degrade to trade agreements, then becomes a non-aggression pact).

– if that doesn't work, try the other way around, ask for trade agreements or non-aggression pact.

Mount And Blade Warband Companions Emissary

  1. The 'Formed Alliance' text will show up the next time you talk to your Companion or Wife/Husband (Minister).

There is also a chance you will receive a peace treaty, trade agreement, or non-aggression pact. Once accepted, the 'Form an alliance' will show up by talking to your minister. Some tips to increase the relations with the Kingdom. Help their villages by talking to the guild master. Talk to one of your staff (his name is Herfast?) that can send gifts. Some mods, like Perisno you can send gifts to any factions or your own kingdom. Another one is dispatch an emissary, and then go to 'send gifts', giving away fiefs or sending horses or 6000 denars will increase your relations faster. Once you form an alliance, there will be WAR!!. If you are in war with a different Faction, your ally will automatically declare war to your enemy and vice-versa.


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