Minecraft Indev Mac

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  1. Minecraft Indev Mac Minecraft
  2. Minecraft Indev Macro
  3. Minecraft Indev Mobs
It is no wonder vanilla villagers don’t get any work done – their arms are fused together!

An MCLEVEL Minecraft Indev Map File is a special file format by Mojang Specifications and should only be edited and saved with the appropriate software. How to solve problems with MCLEVEL files Associate the MCLEVEL file extension with the correct application. This article is intended for troubleshooting the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch versions of Minecraft. If you are experiencing any issues with lagging, crashing, and hanging on the Switch and PS4 platfor. Explore new gaming adventures, accessories, & merchandise on the Minecraft Official Site. Buy & download the game here, or check the site for the latest news. Infdev (INFinite DEVelopment or IN Further DEVelopment) was the fourth phase in the development cycle of Minecraft and is only playable in single-player Survival mode, and was the third Minecraft development stage to have some of its versions released to the public.

TekTopia frees the poor villagers’ hands and finally lets them do their jobs! Build a village in your own unique style and watch as interested visitors arrive – recruit nomads and trade with the merchant to build up a thriving town. Watch as the farmers till the ground, lumberjacks chop down trees, and the children chase each other in a merry game of tag, all the while being kept safe by the ever vigilant guards. There are over 20 different villager professions to choose from and over 18 unique structures to make your village work for you.


– Complete village overhaul! You build the village and your villagers adapt to your designs!
– Build a massive village with 100+ villagers all working in harmony
– Sell your villager products to the wandering merchant for emeralds!
– Use the emeralds to expand your village with new structures and acquire new villager professions.
– Protect your village from the evil Necromancer and his summoned army of minions!
– Over 20 different villager professions and 18 unique structures!
– In depth leveling system for your villagers involving education and training.
– Powerful custom pathfinding system allows your villagers to path hundreds of blocks with no added overhead!
– Male and Female versions of all villagers.

The Villagers

You choose the professions your village needs most!

Bard – Plays music and entertains others villagers increasing happiness
Blacksmith – Crafts iron and diamond tools, weapon, and armor for your villagers
Butcher – Slaughters animals and harvests meat
Chef – Creates a wide variety of foods to keep your villagers well fed
Cleric – Heals and blesses other villagers
Druid – Helps grow crops and trees as well as replenishes your mineshafts
Enchanter – Enchants weapons, armor, tools and books
Farmer – Tills soil, and plants and harvests crops
Guard – Patrols the village keeping the village safe from invaders
Captain – Captain of the guard that inspires other defenders
Lumberjack – Villagers need wood. He's your guy (or gal!)
Miner – Travels deep below the earth digging out mineshafts and bringing back valuables
Rancher – Feeds and harvests animals
Teachers – Educates your childen so they can be more skilled professionals as adults
Child – Attend school and play with other children
Nitwit – Your average, unemployed bum 😉
Nomad – Visitors come to your village looking to join
Merchant – He wanders into town daily. Trade your villager's goods for emerald profits!

The Structures

Unlock your villager's potential with your own custom structures!

Town Hall – The heart of your village where you buy structures and new profession tokens
Storage – The central hub of all villager goods. A busy place!
Home2/4/6 – Homes for your villagers come in various sizes
Mineshaft – A tunnel below ground where Miners dig up valuables
Smithy – Where your blacksmith can be found clanging the anvil and crafting things
Cow Pen – Ranchers can raise cows and collect buckets of milk
Sheep Pen – Ranchers feed the sheep and shear wool
Pig Pen – BACON!
Chicken Coop – Ranchers will tend to the chickens and gather eggs
Butcher – Your butcher will bring animals back here for…collection.
Kitchen – The chef works her magic here cooking all sorts of delicious meals
Tavern – Villagers need to party it up! And they will do so here at night with your Bard!
Library – Smart villagers are skilled villagers! The library is critical to skilling up your citizens
School – Teachers will educate your children here and give them a massive boost that will help them as adults.
Guard Post – Guards will patrol these points, keeping an eye out for unwanted visitors.
Barracks – Your guards will sleep and train here
Merchant Stall – The Merchant will hang around here, awaiting your trades.

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Minecraft Indev Mac

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Starting version

0.31 (Dec. 23, 2009)

Latest version

Minecraft Indev (Feb. 23, 2010)



Minecraft indev download
This page contains content that is no longer in the game.
These only exist in outdated versions of Minecraft.

Indev (or InDevelopment) was an older test version of `s , which succeeded in Mode. Indev was phased out in favor of after infinite maps were to be added into the game.

Indev was initially released on Dec. 23, 2009 after received requests to let the community try out new features he was implementing. Indev version 0.31 was put to the public at minecraft.net/indev and available only to people who had purchased the game. New features currently contained a more complex and realistic scheme than mode`s and support for MD3 mob models, demonstrated by . Indev received 29 updates after this, gaining a few fundamental features to Minecraft as it went, which are listed below. During its lifespan, some updates were devoted mostly for testing new things, like or . As it progressed, its game play became standardized to that of Minecraft today, however with far fewer features.

Players would play on a limited map with dimensions determined by the shape and size characteristics. Game play was dramatically different from and paved the way for future game modes to come. Players now had to use and , gather and prepare food differently, utilize crafting and and be wary of the time of day. Like Survival Test be that as it may, players still had to save their map to a file on their computer and reload it if they died.

Minecraft Indev Mac Minecraft

Indev`s limited maps soon raised opportunity for a game changing idea. On Feb. 23, 2010, Indev received its last update and work on started, a new mode that would use maps that would have no boundaries and would go on forever. Indev remained available on minecraft.net during Infdev`s life and into mode. In Sep. 2010, Indev, along with Infdev were removed from the site and cannot be played anymore. A few functions that Indev contained are no longer seen in Minecraft today, such as picking out map characteristics, having to save and reload maps and the isometric map viewer. These were replaced by , automatic map saving, upon death and a new infinite map viewer (which has been removed).


  • It was possible that features like Indev`s finite maps would`ve returned in the cancelled game mode Zombie Siege.
  • Indev`s terrain.png contained the texture for the Web⃂₠block, although it would not be added until Minecraft Beta a year later. The colored Wool blocks from Classic mode were also possible to obtain in Indev through hacks.
    • There were textures for a Chair (and possibly a table) block that were removed in Infdev. Any such block still does not exist, suggesting the idea was scrapped or it has just been put off for a very long time.
  • If you try to play Indev today, without hacks or a proxy debugger, you will be kicked back to the main menu. On Indev 0.31 you will crash with a Null.Pointer Exception. Sometimes this is caused by some folders or additional jars to be missing, but mostly the minecraft.net/indev login system removed. (Recently, someone patched and fixed the 0.31 .jar and made it playable on the new launcher.)
  • Indev has the first appearance of tools ever. The first un-placeable blocks were armor and bows, later shovels, then swords, pickaxes, axes, and then the latest hoes.
  • Indev had no gaps in the Bedrock layer, like Classic. Although Infdev and Alpha (Before 1.2.0) had them.
  • On February 1, 2010, there was a new feature to the dirt surrounding the background, It was moving up then rather staying still. This was never used in future releases.
  • There was an exclusive theme in Indev and Infdev that a theme exists with the name Hell. This was removed after Minecraft Indev and Infdev.
  • Axes were Battleaxes in the January 11, 2010 update as you can see: (Look in the inventory bar.)
  • The first version of Minecraft Indev 0.31 was actually Creative mode from December 23rd, 2009 to December 25, 2009.
  • In the January 11, 2010 update, when you were in your inventory, your character model was actually Rana which was quite interesting.


  • You cannot play Indev with the new launcher (unless you have both the Indev jar and json file.).
  • It was possible that features like Indev`s finite maps would have returned in the cancelled game mode Zombie Siege.
  • Inside the Beta 1.9 pre-release 6 jar`s 'title' folder is a file named `earlyplayers.txt` that contains the account names of the supposed `1000 first paying alpha players` of Minecraft. According to a Reddit post by Jeb, the names were originally going to be displayed in the credits, but the list wasn`t 100% accurate, so the idea was scrapped.
  • Indev`s terrain.png contained the texture for the Web block, although it would not be added until Minecraft Beta a year later. The colored Wool blocks from mode were also possible to obtain in Indev through hacks.
    • There were textures for a chair block that were removed in . Any such block still does not exist, suggesting the idea was scrapped or has just been put off for a very long time.
  • If you try to play Indev today, without hacks or a proxy debugger, you will be kicked back to the main menu. On Indev 0.31 you will crash with a java.lang.NullPointerException. Sometimes this is caused by some folders or additional jars to be missing, but mostly the minecraft.net/indev login system removed.
  • Indev had no gaps in the bedrock layer, neither did Classic, though and (Before 1.2.0) had them.
  • In Indev and , while in the inventory, the player`s arm, while in first person view, would slowly sway back and forth. It is possible to move around while this happens. When you do, the arm will flop around randomly as if you were in 3rd-person. If you close the inventory, then the arm will pause in the position it was in while it was flopping around. You can reopen the inventory and it will reset the arm. If you use a crafting table, chest, or furnace, then you will not be able to move, but the arm will still slowly sway back and forth. This does happen in early , but has been removed and is not currently known if it is intended to return.
  • If you go far out of the edge of the map in Indev, you would be pushed back to the level. The more you traveled in this point the faster you will be pushed back. This does not happen in 0.31 Indev.
  • If played today, Indev has sound, but Infdev does not. This is because Infdev resources were removed from minecraft.net/resources.
  • Indev contained a color pallet image titled 'cube_nes.png', which matches the color pallet used for the Nintendo Entertainment System.
  • If you play Indev today, your character will show up as a fully black figure. This is because Mojang removed support for skins via Indev. You can still become Steve by disconnecting from the internet.
    • If char.png in the game files is replaced with a custom skin, this will be used instead when disconnected from the internet.
  • Mobs in Indev used the default player hurt sound. They did not have their own special ones, as seen in modern versions of Minecraft.
  • The screen will sometimes go black after you generate a world set to the 'Floating' map type. This may happen because 'Floating' map types used a slightly different file format, which prevented you from converting them to Infdev.
  • There is a rare glitch that when you punch a sheep, it will drop magenta cloth instead of the normal gray cloth.


The Indev House

The Indev House when it was made of .

When Indev was started, players were greeted with the newly added title screen, and the options to create a map or load a previous map. When creating a map, players had to assign four characteristics to their maps, the type, the shape, the size, and the theme. The map would then be created and spawn them in an “Indev House'. An Indev House was a 7 block wide ⃗ 7 block long ⃗ 4 block tall structure, with a 1⃗2 hole for players to exit and two on the interior. The House would be formed around the player`s spawn point. When Indev Houses were added,they were made of moss stone (which was unavailable naturally on the map anywhere else) and filled with , a full stack (99 at the time) of every type of and every type of . As Indev progressed from testing items and blocks to testing the actual survival aspect, these chests were removed. Later still, the design of the house was changed. The floor was made and the walls and roof were made of .

Features over Survival Test

An Indev map created with a third party tool
For a complete list of changes, see .
  • .
  • .
  • generation screen with configurable , , and .
  • Dynamic .
  • Other food like , and (later renamed stew) replaces as consumable to restore .
  • A new tesselator to speed up the game.
  • toggle with F5.
  • Isometric screenshot captured with F7.
  • Decorative paintings.
  • Tools and equipment.
  • Farming.
  • Updated Mobs (better path-finding, varying difficulty options).
  • Day and night cycle (including a sun and moon).
  • New map format (.mclevel).
  • Firing arrows requires a bow.
  • Furnaces and Smelting
  • Torches and Fire
  • New mob sounds (when attacked, pigs made an `oink` sound, sheeps made a `bah` sound, while the hostile mobs and the player made the `ooh` sound)
  • New title screen



Minecraft Indev Macro


Indev was initially released after Notch received requests to let the community try out new features he was implementing. Indev version 0.31 was put to the public at minecraft.net/indev and available only to people who had purchased the game. New features currently contained a more complex and realistic lighting⃂₠scheme than Classic mode`s and support for MD3 mob models, demonstrated by Rana. Indev received 29 updates after this, gaining a few fundamental features to Minecraft as it went, which are listed below. During its lifespan, some updates were devoted mostly for testing new things, like Torches or Fire. As it progressed, its game play became standardized to that of Minecraft today, however with far fewer features.

When Indev was started, players were greeted with the newly added title screen, and the options to create a map or load a previous map. When creating a map, players had to assign four characteristics to their maps, the type, the shape, the size and the theme. The map would then be created and spawn them in an 'Indev House'. An Indev House was a 7 block wide x 7 block long x 4 block tall structure, with a 1 x 2 hole for players to exit and two Torches on the interior. The House would be formed around the player`s spawn point. An Indev house began made of Moss Stone (which was unavailable naturally on the map anywhere else) and Chests filled with TNT, a full stack (99 at the time) of every type of Block and every type of Item. As Indev progressed from testing items and blocks to testing the actual survival aspect, these Chests were removed. Later still, the design of the house was changed. The floor was made Stone and the walls and roof were made of Planks.

New Features

Minecraft Indev Mobs

  • Inventory.
  • Crafting.
  • Map generation screen with configurable map themes, types, and shapes.
  • Dynamic Lighting.
  • Other food like Pork, Bread and Mushroom soup⃂₠(later renamed stew) replaces Mushrooms as consumable food to restore health.
  • A new tesselator to speed up the game.
  • Third person view toggle with F5.
  • Isrometic screenshot captured with F7.
  • Decorative Paintings.
  • Tools and equipment.
  • Farming
  • Updated Mobs (better path-finding, varying difficulty options).
  • Day and night cycle (sunrise, sunset, midnight).
  • New map format (.mclevel).
  • Firing Arrows requires a Bow.